Why Do Dogs Roll in Fox Poo: The Science Behind This Bizarre Behaviour

why do dogs roll in fox poo

Dogs are known for their peculiar behaviours, and one of the most common is rolling in fox poo. This strange habit can leave owners baffled and disgusted, but there may be a reason behind it. Some experts believe that dogs roll in fox poo to mask their scent, making it easier for them to hunt prey or avoid detection by predators.

Another theory is that dogs roll in fox poo simply because they enjoy the smell. While this may seem unlikely, dogs have a much stronger sense of smell than humans and may find the odour appealing. Some dogs may also roll in other types of animal faeces or even dead animals for the same reason.

Despite the various theories, the exact reason why dogs roll in fox poo remains a mystery. However, it is clear that this behaviour is a natural instinct for many dogs and is not a sign of bad behaviour or poor hygiene. Understanding why dogs do this may help owners accept this strange behaviour and even find ways to prevent it.

The Canine Instinct

Innate Behaviour

Dogs have a natural instinct to roll in foul-smelling substances, and fox poo is no exception. This behaviour is thought to have evolved from their wild ancestors, who would roll in the scent of prey to mask their own scent and increase their chances of a successful hunt.

Despite domestication, dogs still retain this innate behaviour, and rolling in fox poo may be a way for them to mask their scent and avoid detection by potential predators or prey.

Scent Masking

Fox poo has a strong, distinct odour that can linger on a dog’s fur for days. While this may be unpleasant for their owners, it can serve a purpose for the dog.

In the wild, dogs may need to mask their scent to avoid detection by predators or prey. Rolling in fox poo can help to mask their natural scent, making it more difficult for other animals to track them.

Additionally, dogs may roll in fox poo simply because they find the smell appealing. While this may seem strange to humans, dogs have a much stronger sense of smell and may be drawn to the scent for reasons that are not fully understood.

While rolling in fox poo may be unpleasant for owners, it is a natural behaviour for dogs that has evolved over time. By understanding the reasons behind this behaviour, owners can better appreciate their dog’s instincts and provide them with appropriate training and care.

Health Implications

Parasite Risk

Dogs rolling in fox poo can expose them to a variety of parasites, which can cause health problems. Foxes are carriers of many parasites such as fleas, ticks and mites, which can easily be transferred to your dog’s coat. These parasites can cause skin irritation, itching, and even lead to infections.

In addition, foxes can carry a variety of worms, including roundworms and tapeworms, which can be transmitted to your dog through contact with fox poo. Roundworms can cause vomiting, diarrhoea, and weight loss, while tapeworms can cause itching around the anus and lead to weight loss.

It is important to make sure your dog is up-to-date with their parasite treatments and to regularly check their coat for any signs of infestation.

Ingestion Dangers

Dogs rolling in fox poo may also be at risk of ingesting harmful bacteria and toxins. Fox poo can contain a range of harmful substances, including salmonella, E. coli, and other harmful bacteria. These can cause a range of illnesses in dogs, from mild stomach upsets to more serious conditions such as kidney failure.

Ingesting fox poo can also lead to the ingestion of harmful chemicals, such as pesticides and fertilisers, which may have been used in the area where the fox poo was found. These chemicals can cause poisoning and other health problems in dogs.

It is important to discourage your dog from rolling in fox poo and to clean them thoroughly if they do come into contact with it. This will help to reduce the risk of them ingesting harmful substances and suffering from health problems as a result.

Prevention Strategies

Training Methods

Training is an essential part of preventing dogs from rolling in fox poo. Dogs can be trained to obey commands such as “leave it” or “come away” when they encounter a fox poo. These commands can be taught using positive reinforcement techniques such as treats, praise, and play.

It is important to start training your dog from an early age to prevent the habit of rolling in fox poo from forming. Consistency is key, and it is important to reinforce the training regularly.

Environmental Control

Environmental control is another effective strategy for preventing dogs from rolling in fox poo. This involves managing the dog’s environment to reduce the likelihood of encountering fox poo.

One way to do this is to keep your dog on a lead when walking in areas where foxes are likely to be present. This can include woodland areas, fields, and other rural areas.

Another strategy is to avoid areas where foxes are known to be present. This can be achieved by researching the local area and avoiding areas where fox sightings have been reported.

Finally, it is important to clean up any fox poo that your dog encounters as soon as possible. This will prevent your dog from being tempted to roll in it and will also reduce the risk of infection from any parasites that may be present in the poo.

Overall, prevention strategies such as training and environmental control can be effective in preventing dogs from rolling in fox poo. By taking a proactive approach and being consistent in your training, you can reduce the likelihood of this behaviour developing in your dog.


In conclusion, dogs rolling in fox poo is a common behaviour that has puzzled dog owners and scientists alike. While there is no definitive answer to why dogs engage in this behaviour, several theories have been proposed based on scientific research and observations.

One theory is that dogs roll in fox poo to mask their own scent. This could be an instinctual behaviour inherited from their wild ancestors who needed to mask their scent to avoid predators or prey. Another theory is that dogs roll in fox poo to communicate with other dogs. The strong smell of fox poo could be a way for dogs to leave a message for other dogs about their presence, status, or mood.

It is also possible that dogs roll in fox poo simply because they enjoy the smell or the sensation. Dogs have a keen sense of smell and may find the scent of fox poo interesting or pleasing. Additionally, rolling in something smelly may provide dogs with a form of sensory stimulation or arousal.

While rolling in fox poo may seem gross or unpleasant to humans, it is important to remember that it is a natural behaviour for dogs. However, it is recommended to discourage this behaviour as fox poo may contain harmful bacteria or parasites that could make dogs sick. Regular grooming and training can help prevent dogs from rolling in fox poo and other undesirable substances.

Overall, the exact reason why dogs roll in fox poo remains a mystery. However, by understanding the possible explanations and taking steps to prevent this behaviour, dog owners can ensure the health and happiness of their furry friends.

Frequently Asked Questions

How can I prevent my dog from rolling in fox poo?

Preventing your dog from rolling in fox poo can be challenging, but there are a few things you can try. One approach is to keep your dog on a lead when walking in areas where foxes are known to be present. You can also try distracting your dog with toys or treats to keep them focused on something other than the scent of fox poo.

What should I do if my dog eats fox poo?

If your dog eats fox poo, it’s important to keep an eye on them for any signs of illness. Fox poo can contain harmful bacteria and parasites that can make your dog sick. If you notice any symptoms such as vomiting, diarrhoea, or lethargy, contact your vet immediately.

Is fox poo harmful to dogs?

Fox poo can be harmful to dogs if they ingest it or come into contact with it. It can contain harmful bacteria and parasites that can cause illness. In addition, the smell of fox poo can be very strong and unpleasant, and some dogs may develop skin irritations or infections from rolling in it.

What does fox poo smell like?

Fox poo has a very distinctive smell that is often described as musky or earthy. It can be quite strong and unpleasant, and can linger on your dog’s fur for a long time.

What is the best way to get rid of the smell of fox poo on my dog?

There are a few things you can try to get rid of the smell of fox poo on your dog. One approach is to give them a bath using a specialist dog shampoo designed to neutralise odours. You can also try wiping your dog down with a solution of water and vinegar, or using a pet-safe odour eliminator spray.

Why do dogs have a tendency to roll in poop and dead things?

Dogs have a natural instinct to roll in strong-smelling substances as a way of masking their own scent. This behaviour is thought to have evolved as a way of helping dogs to hunt and avoid being detected by prey. Rolling in poop and dead things may also be a way for dogs to communicate with other dogs and mark their territory.


  • Steven Wright

    Passionate Co-Owner & Chief Editor for Lifestyle to the MAX with a dedicated focus on promoting a healthier, more fulfilling lifestyle through the content we create. My expertise lies in health, nutrition, wellness, fitness, and technology. As a visionary leader, I thrive on transforming ideas into impactful stories that resonates with our readers and drives positive change to their life.

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